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Nurses Middle College in our community

by Emma Quinn | CBS 6 News | Albany
RENSSALAER, NY (WRGB) — A new specialty high school in the capital region is teaching the next generation of nurses and are looking for their next cohort of students to enroll. The Nurses Middle Col…
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Today, the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, announced awards of more than $100 million to train more nurses and grow…
By Hunter Boyce, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
A total 13 million nurses will need to be replaced globally within the coming years, according to a March 2023 International Council of Nurses report. With the global nursing shortage as high as 30.6…
American Nurses Association
According to the 2022 Workplace Survey, 31% of responding nurses stated that their organizations could increase their overall work satisfaction by “[genuinely listening] to my voice and [addressi…